"In this season I'm gonna tell you how to solve the questions of Application of Derivatives in an easy way, In this Chapter, I also separate the topic's and make them easier to understand"
Now, These topics are very important to the Board exam point of view and also higher study,
So I explain these topics to you, I separate those topics into 5 topics and also shared very Important Questions so without any waste of time let's get started,
5- Types of Application of Derivative
1. Rate Questions:
Note : In this type you need to see > Who is changing and which relative, which relative is changing write it in Numerator and Which relative write it in Denominator, If nothing is given then time is understood, all values put in the last,
Step 1 :👉👉
Note : see there is nothing given Which relative this is changing so remember Time is understood,
write ✍ all the given keys in the form of Differentiation, As you see in the first Question there is Volume that is changing, so write it in dv/dt we need to find out the changing rate of radius,
Step 2 :👉👉
Put the formula according to your Question, In this, we need the formula Volume of Spheres,
then Differentiate it.
Step 3 :👉👉
Put all the value in the last,
2. Increasing and Decreasing : (s = sustained)
Note : 1) f'(x) = always +ve
2) f'(x) = always -ve
= S.D
3) f'(x) = +/- or 0
= Neither S.I Nor S.D
Step 1 :👉👉
Differentiate the given function and put the value according to your Question,
Step 2 :👉👉
- If the value is (+)ve function is always S.I
- if the value is (-)ve function is always S.D
3. Slope & Tangent : (Very imp)
Important Formula :

Step 1 :👉👉
First Differentiate the Equation and put all values in the last,
Step 2 :👉👉
Now after putting the value :
1) If you need to find a Slope then Calculate only one m(slope),
2) If you need to find out whether these lines are parallel or perpendicular.
4. Approximation Value :
This question is mostly asked in 2 marks.
- let's y = x^n
- differentiate the equation.
- Divide the equation into two part's
- 1) { X + ΔX }^n = X + ΔX
- Δy = { X + ΔX }^n - (X)^n ----(1)
- { X + ΔX }^n = (X)^n + Δy ----(2)
- Δy = {dy/dx} Δx
- put the value of Δy in equation (1)
- write all the keys given in the question
- and then see which formulas will be applied to these questions (eq.1)
- and after that put dy/dx = 0
- Then see what about the question is asking like Maxima & Minima.
- After finding that { maximum or minimum } volume, you have an equation
- Then Differentiate the equation and put the value in that equation.
- if your value is (-)ve then the volume is maximum else (+)ve its minimum
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